Swedish photographer and blogger Emily Dahl does a blog advent calendar every year. This year the theme is the past year and I’m taking part on Instagram by posting a picture a day on the chosen theme. I thought I would round up the past weeks posts here on the blog.





Day 1: A picture from a day you’ll never forget – September 12, this is minutes before our planned c-section and Knut’s birth. I was so swollen and nervous.
Day 2: A picture of something tasty you ate this year – This BBQ dinner was so tasty I ate it before I took the picture. It was the first evening of our summer vacation.
Day 3: A picture of someone you loved this year – Knut and his cousins. This is their first time meeting.
Day 4: A picture you took a day when you felt sad – One of our last nights in San Francisco. I was so sad that we were moving back to Sweden.
Day 5: A picture of you that someone else took – This is from my visit to Facebooks HQ. I did not enjoy having my picture taken this year when I was pregnant, but I wanted to remeber this day.
Day 6: A picture from a trip this year – An amazing weekend road trip from San Francisco to Big Sur.
Day 7: A picture you took and really like – I wasn’t going to do only baby pics but…. Knut <3 Day 8: A picture that represents your everyday life this year – Since September this red stroller is my everyday life.

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